Earth hour by RTIS

Earth is precius, helap us to save it with the smallest gesture! Switch off your lights for one hour!!

Join us for Earth Hour on Saturday, March 23, 2024, and contribute to the revitalization of our planet.

Since its inception in 2007, Earth Hour has been synonymous with the symbolic gesture of switching off lights worldwide, demonstrating solidarity with our planet and raising awareness about the environmental challenges it faces.

Now, over 15 years later, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in the climate and nature crises. Our planet is teetering on the brink, with our very future hanging in the balance. The target set by the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C is in jeopardy, and our natural world, essential for our survival and resilience against climate change, is under unprecedented threat, facing alarming rates of loss.

The next seven years are pivotal. We must strive to remain below the 1.5°C climate threshold to prevent irreversible damage to our planet. Additionally, by 2030, we must reverse the loss of nature, ensuring that we end the decade with more biodiversity than we began with. Achieving these goals requires urgent and concerted efforts from individuals, communities, businesses, and governments worldwide to protect and restore our shared home.

In line with our vision for 2030, we are reinvigorating Earth Hour in 2024, transforming it into the Biggest Hour for Earth. How? By rallying supporters worldwide to switch off their lights and dedicate an hour to positive action for our planet.

In an era marked by division and polarization, the Biggest Hour for Earth serves as a beacon of unity, reminding us all that our planet needs our collective action and that each one of us can—and must—play a role in its preservation. Join us as we come together to make a difference for our one shared home.

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